


puppy pictures as promised! here is the baby girl! her name is nelli. she is eight weeks old and she is absolutely perfect.

au revoir

W O W. what an eventful week. new job. search for a new apartment. new puppy {pictures to come soon.} here's to change!

via unknown


s u n d a y s

today was the first sunday i've had off in quite sometime. it was amazing. after attending a friends college graduation party in the morning, i spent the afternoon laying by the pool soaking in the sun and enjoying the company of great friends. [sigh.] how relaxing. now i feel refreshed for the week ahead...p.s. happy father's day!

via flickr


the love shop

as i was blogging this evening i came across a post from decor8 about the love shop on etsy and i fell in love. the prints all have such positive messages, i'm especially obsessed with the "do what you ♥" print. the prices are great and they can custom size the prints for you too! as jj says, "make it your mantra to do what you love and be happy!"


p.s. ikea

the ps collection from ikea is fabulous. especially loving the pendant light that looks just like a dandelion. i would be delighted to have this light suspended above a pretty round dining table. [sigh] someday.

take me away

ahhhhh. i want to be here..sipping a piña colada. i'm dying for a vacation.


i just started up a twitter account! it's a little confusing...but i'll get the hang of it.


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