

ribboned asparagus salad

tonight i set out to make a ribboned asparagus salad (after viewing this delicious video). i tried to capture each step, but i'm having issues with my little pink point/shoot camera so the iphone came to the rescue. it's the easiest salad to don't even have to cook the asparagus. to whip up this delight for your next shindig all you need is:

one bunch of asparagus
parmesan cheese (the more the better!)
toasted pinenuts **
olive oil
the juice of one lemon

rinse your asparagus, "ribbon" your asparagus spears with a veggie peeler, throw your ribbons in a bowl and toss with all the other ingredients and enjoy! xo

p.s. see a paper plate in the image above. sometimes this girl just doesn't want to wash any dishes :)

**sidenote: i used sunflower seed nuts instead...because i bought my lemons and asparagus at target along with a new handbag...and target doesn't sell pinenuts :)

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